Daniel Radcliffe on dating, kissing Emma Watson and going nude

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There are also rumored that Rupert engaged 31 years Welsh actress Kimberley Nixon in the year 2010. They are actors that considered themselves to be good friends. Sadly, this rumor wasn't true either. Born Rupert Alexander Lloyd Grint on 24th August, 1988 in Harlow, Essex, England, UK, he is famous for Ron Weasley on Harry Potter in a career that spans 2000—present.

Chord Overstreet, Heather Morris and Jacob Artist in Glee. For turning notifications on or off on Google Chrome and Android , for Firefox , for Safari and for Microsoft's Edge.

Emma Watson's on screen kiss with Rupert Grint was 'the weirdest' - Retrieved 6 June 2011.

Harry Potter fans typically fall into two camps: those who believe that J. Rowling did the right thing by pairing Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger together at the end of the books, and misguided fools those who believe that Hermione would have been better off with Harry himself. Has everything we've ever come to believe been a lie? ARE YOU REALLY TELLING US THAT HOGWARTS DOESN'T EXIST?! WHAT IS THE TRUTH, JO?! Anyway, in case that wasn't heartbreak enough, Rupert Grint now corroborates with his own spin on the situation. Apparently he didn't like kissing Emma Watson, who played Hermione to his Ron in the films. And it just felt very surreal. I have a memory of her face getting closer and closer. Like, 'Oh my God. It was such a huge moment and there was so much expectation. Quite a lot of pressure actually. It's bittersweet comic relief, considering that everything we know is a lie one of the OG relationshipgoals couples never even stood a fighting chance. But if neither Harry nor Ron wanted to kiss Hermione, maybe the answer was that she ended the series as a single, kickass witch in charge of her career and on a fast track to becoming the Minister of Magic? We're just saying, it's a role we could see Emma in. © 2018 Condé Nast. Teen Vogue may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Condé Nast.

Men Emma Watson Has Dated
It was his first post-Potter — and his debut theatre — role after making five of the eight Potter movies. Once again, distance came in for the steal. At the age of 16, he left school to focus on his acting career. To become a real zip, Radcliffe had to lose Potter. New York Media LLC. Lasting a year, the alleged reason for the split was due to the rugby player being a ladies' man and posting too many pics with other girls.