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Why would foreign men date an AW when they have 100 times more attractive females in their own country who can still make their own money of they want to. Now this sound sweet and selfless until a series of bad things happens and ya decide to get a divorce. Even when he has a female doing everything in her power to win him over.

In the meantime, the less successful suffer. I do not rely on any man to get what I want out of life.

Happier Abroad Forum Community - Wanted us to keep helping him make the rent payment on the place we helped him get into. I get hit on by many guys when I was on line and IRL.

Whether the man was recently divorced or has had bad experiences with women, there are sometimes reasons why guys give up on relationships completely. In some cases, guys are anti-feminist and just hate women. In nations like Japan, there are actually entire movements where guys just give up on dating entirely. In these nations, it is actually becoming a problem because the country needs enough babies to be born to support the retired population. When part of the population refuses to marry and have children, it becomes a practical problem. While there are some guys who give up on women, there are not enough guys doing this for it to really affect the birth rate. Why Would Some Guys Give Up on All Relationships With Women? There are many potential reasons why guys might give up on women. While some of these involve past experiences with women, there are many other reasons that this could happen. High Stress This stress could be from work, societal responsibilities or a past relationship. If the guy is in a stressful job and works constantly, he may not have made a conscious decision to give up on women. His biggest issue is that he just does not have time for a relationship. Even if he tries to date, his partner feels lonely and left out because he is constantly busy. After experiencing a break up because of his work, he may just put off dating until some day in the future when he actually has time for it. While most women do not mind marrying someone who has a lower degree level than them, the guy may mind. He may feel like there is no one on his level to date, so he gives up. If he has a self-esteem problem, then dating a woman who is out of his league may make him severely unhappy. Because of this, he may just give up on dating women entirely. Traditional Roles Some guys want a woman who can be a housewife and cook their dinner each night. Traditional roles are changing, so there are many, many women who want to have a career. If the guy just wants a housewife, he may not be interested in dating anyone who cannot fit this standard. On the other side of the coin, there may be guys who want a woman who is a go-getter and career oriented. Past Trauma Our early experiences in life can greatly shape who we become. If the guy was betrayed by his mother or never had a strong female in his life, he may feel like other women will be equally disappointing. Divorces and Breakups A divorce is one of the most traumatic things that you can experience. It ranks just after a death of a loved one in stress and emotional turmoil. If someone has gone through a bad divorce or a bad breakup, then they may give up on women entirely. While they know that the next person they date may be different, they just cannot take that risk anymore. They Were Cheated on At some point, most people have been cheated on before. The cheating may have been with a trusted friend or it may have been a long-term affair. Whatever the case, the guy cannot move past it. Even if he tries to date someone again, he finds it impossible to let his guard down and trust a woman. He Hates Women While the other reasons are more common, it is also possible that he just hates women. He may have had bad experiences in the past or he may have been cheated on. In some cases, weaker-minded guys fall for the rhetoric of hate groups and anti-feminists. In these cases, they develop a deep-seated hatred of women that is hard to break. In addition to making the guy stop dating women, it also means that he is probably not someone that you should ever date. Even if he tries to get over these feelings, it can take years. These subconscious thoughts and biases can hang around for years, even if he is consciously trying to get rid of them. Expectations Are Changing Most people realize that cat-calling is not an acceptable way to hit on women. Making someone feel uncomfortable or in danger is never a good way to flirt. Unfortunately, some men do not realize that they can still flirt with a woman. They may be afraid of hitting on her because they are worried that she could say it was non-consensual or sexual harassment. Even when these views have no basis in reality, the guy may still be worried. Gender roles are constantly changing, so it is easy to become worried about what you can and cannot do. Allow this decision to have a positive influence in your life. Treat everyone that you meet with kindness and compassion. You can avoid from developing strict relationships with people. You may find that there are people who are looking for similar things that you are searching for. Have a great day, Mike! I have dated maybe three or four times since the divorce, in about a 3 month window, but never really got into it. At my age mid forties dating seems like some sort of twisted job interview where I get to pay for dinner. This is really a blessing. I think relationships are highly over-rated and present WAY too much risk for the man and nothing but perks and benefits for the women. I know people will have strong opinions about that, but the BEST part of being MGTOW is that IDGAF!!! It sounds as though you have made a decision that makes you happy. It is great that you have chosen to focus on your children instead of focusing on developing a new relationship. Continue to make positive decisions. Do not allow this previous relationship cause you to treat people poorly. Treat everyone in your life with kindness and compassion. Have a great day, Sid! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. Allow this experience to guide your future actions. Treat everyone in your life with kindness and compassion. There is no need to develop a relationship with someone that you are not interested in developing a relationship with. Take this time to look inward and determine what you want for your future. Have a great day, Stef! But I also feel worried about when and how to hit on women as I mostly only meet them in a professional capacity or at law school. Take this time to look inward and determine what you want for your future. Allow the thoughts of these previous relationships to fade. Treat everyone in your life with kindness and compassion. You do not need to develop a relationship with anyone at this time. If you find that your feelings change with time, then make a new decision at that time. Have a great day, Cody! The one and only girl I ever perused romantically lied to me and led me on for over a year for her own personal gain. Me, believing her and wanting to help her, wanted to do everything I could to help her heal and feel better. She took complete advantage of my feelings for her, used me, took all my money, change jobs, loose said job, had me cut of contact with friends and family. After a year she saw how ragged, depressed and sick I was all the time and admitted to me, by text, that she had made it all up to get back at her ex. She then cut off all contact with me. Been there, done that. I have no recourse. I think about killing myself every day. I think tonight should be the night. You will not find rejection here. You may find benefit in speaking with someone at a suicide hot line. If you do not want to speak with someone there, then take this time to look inward. This person has harmed you, but you are in charge of your life. There is no benefit in harming yourself. She is outside of your life, so attempt to put her out of your mind anytime that you realize that you are thinking about her. You do not need to establish a relationship with anyone at this time, and you may find benefit is focusing on your mind at this time. Most importantly, treat everyone in your life with kindness and compassion, as this will bring positive influences into your life. If you have no family or friends in your area, then perhaps move to a location where you can enjoy old friendships with people that you can trust. Have a great day, Danny! I meet and date women, talk for a while, then it ends. Realistically, I think society is a problem. Why are you single? There is just so much pressure in America to date or be married. Maybe I like my freedom? Maybe I like money to myself? Maybe I want toys rather than women? Personally, I like sport cars! This was nothing like his behavior when we dated before where it was like close friends with benefits. His mom died a few years ago and then his 2 Bulldogs.. I asked if he wanted me to go with, but he said he had to go to work straight after, then packed his lunch cooler while he had me gather all my stuff. He made his friend drive me home, though he was going the opposite way. I texted him hours later to make sure things were ok. He saw that message at 6am. Nothing from Friday to Monday when i decided to call him Monday to see if he was ok. Wednesday morning i wake up and go on fb and see the first post from my friends list. He told me about you. Days later i was going to show my friends their profiles and found that both of them blocked me, even though i never messaged him nor her. This from the guy who posted stuff about marriage while with me that made it obvious he was thinking about it. The pics even looked like us; not this other chic. And i made a comment earlier that week about never having kids and he got mad for some reason. This from a guy who never wanted kids. He does have a son who i got very close with though. I still love them both. I dated him when his son was a baby, too. What the hell is he doing, and how could he do that to me? He gave me and my mom things of hers and showed me all the sentimental stuff that meaned something to him. After 20 yrs, he was finally opening up to me completely. He even said he was a different person, but sounded hopeless and depressed when he said it. He was so less judgemental than he used to be and more down on himself. Anyway, I made him lunches for work and brought him dinner…just like he was saying he wanted a wife to do if he ever DID get married. One night we were arguing though, and he called me a feminist, which pissed me off. He also was jealous because of all the guys who reacted to my pic on my profile, so i took it down. Wtf is going on? We were going to get a place together, but he was stressed about having the money for the move and a down payment on a place in time…on top of moving all his moms thousands of knicknacks and finding her dogs a home. This is why i did everything i could to help him…and look how tf he repays me! I even told him i loved him a few weeks before this happened when I had too much to drink. I quit drinking because of that night, and to help myself of course, but a few days after me going completely sober is when he left and never contacted me again. To think that he had her in his bed the same night i was, and she was cool with it and so was he! Your relationship has ended. The closure that you desire is not owed to you. Allow thoughts of this person to fade. Focus your emotional energy elsewhere. Determine what you want for your future without him. Do not attempt to reach out to this person. If he reaches out to you in the future, then speak directly and honestly with him about your thoughts and feelings. Have a great day, Em! I spend my life with books now and music. Thank you for sharing your insights and experiences. Allow your emotional and social desires to influence you in a positive direction. Treat everyone in your life with kindness and compassion. This will ensure that positive people and energy will enter into your life. Focus on your current life and observe each moment. Have a great day, Isabella! Before the social disconnection of the television, internet, sub urban sprawl, we had a society that was mainly based upon the persons village. It was just easy to find someone back then. We seem to have a society that says that you are only worthy of a partner if you are hugely successful. Average People have mainly suffered for it. In the meantime, the less successful suffer. What are we to do in our loneliness? But being single is now almost normal. There is no substitute for a relationship and the benefits like sex that come along with it. All humans need love or they become dysfunctional. Our society is dysfunctional and I think you can trace that to the breakup of the family. Us singles, with no hope of relationships, must fill the gap somehow and hope that future generations will correct this malaise for the sake of mankind. We must find something that we love. We must find something that is a close substitute. Thank you for sharing your experiences and insights. Choose to make whatever decision you want with your life. You have no obligation to establish a close, intimate relationship with a romantic partner. You also will find no benefit in acting in a harmful manner. You will find that positive energy and people will enter your life by sharing your kindness and compassion with the world. Have a great day, G!

Antiphysical: Why Men Are Giving Up Sex & Relationships
Days later i was going to show my friends their profiles and found that both of them blocked me, even though i never messaged him nor her. Nothing from Friday to Ring when i decided to call him Monday to see if he was ok. You dont realize that you are 100% wrong about everything you just said. He didnt understand it. Perhaps, rather than state that the problem is an inability to accept unconditional love, perhaps the social is an inability to compromise — and further, a failure to recognize that as the true goal. This is an extremely outdated view, and from my experience not true.