Sex expert Tracey Cox reveals the questions to ask before you dating your friend's ex

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Did the relationship only last a few weeks? Don't stay out late, drink alcohol, or go dancing. Don't try to keep your boyfriend and your bud from associating because you're afraid they still have feelings for each other, and don't constantly seek reassurance that that's not the case.

Make sure your ex and you aren't still hurting. Do you know if your ex is dating someone new? Do you really want to do that to your best friend?

Personality Quiz: Should You Be Friends with an Ex? - Know the signs that show he's still into you.

It all comes down to how your friend feels about it. It was a mutual breakup with no hard feelings. This is the ideal situation. Go ahead and ask him out. Is your best friend in a happy, committed relationship? Know what that means? You love him more than her. Think carefully about how you feel. Do you really love him more than you do her? If you date him, you could lose her friendship forever. But sometimes, the heart wants what it wants sorry for getting Selena Gomez stuck in your head. It was never serious. Did the relationship only last a few weeks? Was it ever official? Was it more of a fling? It was a messy breakup. The odds of her getting upset having him around are high. At the very least, wait a while so she can move on. Be respectful and give her time to get over him. Seeing the two of you together will just hurt her. Do you really want to do that to your best friend? She gets upset when you mention him. Try bringing up his name and see how she reacts. Does she explode or start crying? Does she seem agitated? Dating him is like pouring salt in the wound. Give her a break. He cheated on her. Cheaters are never worth losing a friend over. When you love her more than him. Is your friendship more important than some guy? If you love your best friend far more than her ex, do the right thing and find another guy. A crush passes, but a best friend is forever. They just broke up. You might be able to date him, but not right now. Never, under any circumstances, try to date the ex right after they broke up. Even if it was a mutual breakup. Give it a little time. There you have it.

The Protocol When Dating a Friend's Ex
Fun, laughter and sense of humor: How much fun and laughter do you enjoy on a regular basis as a couple. Dating him is like pouring salt in the wound. Try bringing up his name and see how she reacts. But a small silver of him lives in my heart. Hearing her talk about him was file for me, being with them together was even harder. Yes, it sucks that she was hurt, but it was long ago. Besides, comparing yourself to anybody — even if you come out ahead — is always going to lead to feeling crappy, because basing your self-esteem on where you el relative to someone else is Not Healthy.